Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Flyspeck - Browser Based Web Page Editor

Have you ever wanted a simple interface for you clients so they can edit portions of a web page without having to know any Html or other technical skills? Enter Flyspeck , a - browser based web page editor that enables them to edit whole pages or selective parts of the page only.


Flyspeck is a PHP enabled script that you install on your webserver that interprets parts of the page wrapped with 'beginning' and 'ending' edit tags. Then you add a 'trigger' and the script handles the rest via an online Html editing interface. The Html editor does require IE5.5 or higher though, but that is a common enough browser and probably one that all of your clients are using anyway.


The script works by using a pattern matching function to read in just the chosen editable portion and loads that into the editor. After pressing save, the altered HTML is put back into the file . The user can't break your layout tables or edit things that you don't allow.


The script has a moderate price tag of $40, but a small enough fee considering the numerous hours of time this will save you in updating their called in changes.


The Flyspeck website has some online demos of the script in action here http://www.flyspeck.net/demos/

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