After a long drought in the blogging arena, I am back. Yet again. While I have been creating and launching blogs elsewhere on the web, I just haven't had time to actually post anything other than simple 'testing' posts.
I have just relocated this website to a new server at GoDaddy. My old hosting company was not bad, they were just too pricey. I am getting more than I had before for a quarter of the cost. Yes, more for less. Cannot beat that.
Technically, you can consider this just another 'test' post. I want to make sure that Blogger is publishing via FTP correctly.
Speaking of Blogger. That brings up another subject. I will also be switching blogging platforms to WordPress very soon.
An astute reader would begin to wonder why in the heck would I go through the hassle of making sure that Blogger FTP publishing is working correctly? If I tend to move to WordPress, why would any of that matter?
All very good questions. But the answers will have to wait. Actually, it will become very self evident over the next couple of weeks.
Time to push the Publish Post button. If all goes well, you will be reading about it right now. If not, forget I even made this post.
[UPDATE jan 6, 2009: A little hiccup with the server. Seems I have been down for a few days! Need to republish a couple of posts.]